
Two Common Pest Control Mistakes To Avoid

Pest control is the systematic management of pests to reduce their numbers to an acceptable threshold where further application of the required measures would not be necessary. The control measures are categorized as chemical, cultural, biological, mechanical (physical), or genetic. One method might prove effective on one type of pest but not another. The reasons for this can also vary depending on how the application was done and the pest type in question.

While the goal is to eradicate the pests or reduce their number, safety is always a primary concern. How can you deal with your pest problem safely? Hiring professionals to exterminate unwanted invaders is the best call, but you also must take the time to learn about the pests and how to prevent them from becoming a problem for your home or how to manage the pests. In view of that, here are two common pest management mistakes to avoid.

  1.    Downplaying The Need To Take Preventive Action
    Prevention is better than cure, more so because it costs less and saves you from headaches. It is a piece of advice best applicable when dealing with pests. Downplaying the need for having preventive measures in place opens the gateway for the unwanted creatures to wreak havoc on your home.  Therefore, consider implementing the following preventive pest control measures to ensure you keep unwanted creatures at bay.
  •    Do not let water accumulate anywhere, so fix leaky plumbing and deal with any stagnant water.
  •    Removing the pest’s sources of food, which demands you store your food in sealed containers. Also, throw food scraps in the trash bins with secure lids that cover them tightly.
  •    Identify and remove potential shelter spots where pests can hide and breed. Conversely, get rid of old stacks of magazines, papers, or any other material that they can use to build nests.
  •    Check for any cracks and crevices where pests can gain access. Secure vents and other essential openings with wire mesh.
  •    Declutter in and around the house to keep the area clean; it makes your home less appealing to most pests.
  1.    Using The Wrong Pest Management Methods
    Mechanical pest management methods are often effective when dealing with larger creatures like rats, and raccoons. It mostly entails trapping, erecting fences (barriers), and weeding. Biological measures are an advanced approach to dealing with the invaders and are often left to professionals. 

Most people are quick to consider chemicals when they have a pest infestation. However, knowing which chemicals to use and how to use them is paramount to getting the best results. For instance, chemicals intended for outdoor use should not be applied indoors. Furthermore, never assume that applying the chemical twice will yield a better result. Always read the label and follow the directions. Also, mix the amount you need at a time to avoid having a lot of leftovers, and do not transfer the chemicals to other containers.

The Bottomline

Overall, your home is as safe from pests as the measures you have in place to keep them at bay. However, we know how resilient these creatures can be, especially if they already have a foothold in your home. Your pest control efforts might seem fruitless, and this can be frustrating. Why go through such hassles when you can hire professionals? Get in touch with a reputable pest exterminator, and remember to ask questions regarding your pest problem to get an idea of how they will handle it for you.

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