
How To Handle A Bee Hive Removal

If you notice that bees have built their hive (the honeycomb nests) on your premises, this is an urgent problem that needs to be resolved. Leaving the hive to be can result in much bigger issues. The honeybee comb consists of mainly sugars that lure all kinds of other pests. If this is left to fester in a cavity ceiling for instance, it will cause rot and flies, ants and a slew of other critters will start to cause you a headache as they try to get to the sugar source for food. The honey, although good for your health, will damage plasterboard ceilings and result in damp issues.

For this reason, it’s best that you know how to effectively and safely deal with a beehive on your premises.

  1. Give them space
    When you encounter stinging creatures like bees, it’s always prudent that you not provoke them into attacking. Many bee species only sting if they are under the notion that their queen or hive is in danger. Maintaining your distance minimizes the likelihood of agitating the hive. A bee swarm will generally gather on a post, bush or branch (a fence post, doorpost, etc.), with the queen at the center. Staying away from this area should decrease the chances of getting stung.
  2. Keep pets and allergic people away from bee-infested places

If the swarm or hive has established itself outdoors, you should keep your children, pets and anybody sensitive to stings family away from the bees. If the beehive is indoors, try to seclude the area and make it a no-go zone.

  1. Figure out the origin of the bees

If the beehive has set up its roots indoors, try figuring out the location the bees got in through. But don’t try to stop access to their hive since could see them escape to other sections of your house.

  1. Don’t use insecticides or traps.

You may be tempted to spray the hive or try and catch the bees in a makeshift trap. However, before embarking on this path, think about the downsides. Exterminating bees is hard for a range of reasons, including that most commonly sold pesticides are prohibited for use near bees. This implies that the usage of such products is unlawful. When you use a trap, you will end up having to release a container filled with angry bees.

  1. Call a professional to handle bee removal.
    You should note that dealing with such a situation will be more involved compared to conducting a routine removal or extermination. Don’t try to handle the bee hive removal on your own.

Our whole practice is centred around the preservation of bees, so we humanely remove them from your premises without killing them. We are Bee-Lovers! And when called for a job we do everything in our power not to harm a single bee. We know how vital every piece of honey they produce is and we value them. We offer a same-day response and also offer emergency bee hive removal services. Call us today to schedule a no-cost Estimate and inspection.